Replication Use Case:

Helmond . The Netherlands

330.000 sq.m

Extension of the demonstration area

200.000 SQ.M

Housing area affected

70.000 SQ.M

Commercial & social area affected


Extra houses within the next 10 years

Located within 1000 m from the central train station, the site is laid against a nature reserve. Helmond is part of the ‘Brainport Region’, which is planning important growth initiatives within the next 10 years, approximately 5000 extra houses to boost the local economy.

Increase sustainable, social and economic development and mobility (less cars, slower traffic). Set up economic, social, environmental and cultural processes that help the sustainable transformation of the area, suitable for a diverse range of property owners, sustainability goals (reducing heat stress, lower carbon footprint), work / life balance and target group research.

Main partners

Horizon Europe

Co-founded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


 Sylvain Kubicki

REGEN Coordinator, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

Mohaddeseh Maktabifard

DEC Manager of REGEN project, R2M Solution