
The consortium is formed by 23 European partners and is coordinated by Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST).

This includes 4 research organisations in the areas of environmental science and communication technology (LIST), analysis of social changes (LISER), applied research on quality of life and urban ecosystem (TECNALIA), sustainable development and innovation in the fields of construction (NBK).

Additionally, the consortium includes 4 public organisations representing a municipality from the REGEN demonstrations of Beckerich, Laredo, Milan and Dublin (BECK, LAREDO, MIL, DDC and CODEMA) and 2 private organisations, focusing on mobility, environment and territory (AMAT) and with city planning expertise (ISOC).

Finally, the consortium is complemented by a metrology SMEs with strong knowhow in software and consulting services for sustainable building design (IES), monitoring impact measurement frameworks (TIL), carrying out specific studies by collaboration with engineers and architects (S&A), creating of knowledge and its transfer to society in the specific field of migrations and in the general field of social research (BEGI), capacity management and people counting (DINYCON), research and innovation in the field of sustainable development and energy transition (R2M FR) and (R2M IT), integrating electricity supply with energy management services (ARDEN), real estate information management (DMO), architectural design firms (KAW) and (VAR), realizing innovative building systems (GTB).

Horizon Europe

Co-founded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


 Sylvain Kubicki

REGEN Coordinator, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

Mohaddeseh Maktabifard

DEC Manager of REGEN project, R2M Solution