28 JUN 24: REGEN Featured on LetsGOCircular and Infogreen.lu

REGEN news . 28 June 2024


28 Jun. 2024





We are excited to announce that an insightful article about the REGEN EU Project has been published on infogreen.lu and LetsGOCircular. The article, “REGEN: Impliquer les citoyens dans les projets de régénération urbaine,” explores the REGEN project’s mission to integrate circular economy principles into urban regeneration initiatives across Europe. Led by the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), this Horizon Europe-funded project focuses on sustainability, inclusivity, and citizen engagement in urban planning.

Key Focus Areas:

  • Circular Economy in Construction: The article emphasizes REGEN’s efforts to incorporate circular practices in the construction sector, particularly in Beckerich, Luxembourg, where the project aims to enhance energy efficiency and promote material reuse.
  • Citizen Involvement: REGEN prioritizes citizen participation in urban regeneration, using innovative tools like the MUST table to facilitate dialogue and collaboration between local communities and project developers.
  • Cross-Regional Impact: The publication highlights how REGEN’s initiatives are not only localized but also aim to influence broader regional practices, aligning with Luxembourg’s national circular economy strategies.

By featuring on LetsGOCircular, the REGEN EU Project underscores its commitment to advancing the circular economy and engaging citizens in the creation of sustainable urban environments.



Horizon Europe

Co-founded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


 Sylvain Kubicki

REGEN Coordinator, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)


Mohaddeseh Maktabifard

DEC Manager of REGEN project, R2M Solution
